Your Family & the World – It’s Time to Take the Initiative

Copy of YES YOU CANFIGHT BACK (1)I usually try to stay out of discussions like this, but after the Orlando, Fla. Shootings and now the ambush killings of the police officers in Dallas , TX., I feel that I must bring up a few facts and state my personal opinion.

I am doing this for one simple reason.

I want to try to get you to think.

Just think .  That’s right.  Think, before you believe only what the media feeds you. Please believe me, you are being led down a trail that only goes one way — and your family is on the line.

I hope that you will think for yourself, try to find the real facts, and start to realize that you , yes you, need to take responsibility for yourself and your loved ones.  NO ONE ELSE will do this for you.


Pulse Night Club, Orlando, Florida,  June 12,2016.

Lone terrorist opens fire, kills 49, wounds 53.

The first live reports came out that multiple people were in critical condition with multiple gun shot wounds.  To my knowledge, that report was never seen again.  Give this some thought.  53 wounded with multiple gunshot wounds , many in critical condition.  Many of these people were wounded and not recovered for quite some time.  Yet, no one else died.   Again, I ask you to give that some thought.  I’m not sure what this shows.  It has bothered me since that first report that we saw very little follow up on the wounded.   A bigger body count would have given the anti-gun people a lot more to talk about.

Peaceful protest against Police Officers, Dallas,Texas,  July 8,2016

During a peaceful protest against Police an armed sniper or snipers opened fire on the police who were there to keep the peace and protect everyone.  Five of police officers were killed and twelve  were wounded.  What did the police do?  They ran toward the gun fire.  What did the protesters do ?  They ran away and expected the police officers, who they were protesting against, to protect them. It’s tough to have your cake and eat it ,too.  The officers who were there did not hesitate.  They did their job and several died protecting the protesters.  The protesters were there to air their grievance on police violence.  I understand that.  According to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, there are 900,000 sworn law enforcement officers in the USA today. This is the most recent and most widely cited estimate that can be found.  I point this out to try to keep some of this in perspective. In any group of 900,000 people, there will be mistakes made.  I am not, in any way, trying to cover up, what I see as, serious mistakes made by the police.  I’m just saying , it would be nice if the media would at least attempt to keep a perspective on things when they cover the perceived mistakes by the police.

Please tell me if you even heard a word in the media about this next one.

Playoffz Nightclub, Lyman, South Carolina, June 26,2016

2 weeks to the day from the Orlando shootings.

About 3:30 am shots rang out as another mass shooting began.  There were many people still in the night club and it should have been  a slaughter.  However, IT WAS NOT A GUN FREE ZONE.   An un-named Conceal Carry permit holder pulled his legally concealed weapon and shot the bad guy with a criminal record dating back to 2003.  He is a felon who has used a gun before.  He will be charged with 4 counts of attempted murder.

Why didn’t we hear about this one?


#1, the murderer was unsuccessful in killing a big number of people

#2, it was stopped by a legal citizen carrying a legal weapon.

Did you know that 96.2% of all mass murders take place in Gun Free Zones ?

I’m trying to point out that trail I said you were being led down.

A couple of final thoughts :

I’m asking you to start thinking for yourself and question some of what you hear.

I’m also asking you to take responsibility for yourself and your loved ones.  Bad things happen to good people and they seem to be happening pretty often.  It is time to think of getting prepared to protect yourself.

No, I’m not saying to go get an AR-15 and carry it around.

You can start with some simple Situational Awareness training and then work your way into more training if you wish to.

Find A Trainer for you and your family.  Make it a family thing.  You will feel much more confident if you get into a situation of violence with some training.

Take the Initiative,

Stay Safe.

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